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Almost Home: The End of a New Beginning

Most of the time, I write as my life unfolds. However, my journey without resistance is beautifully showing me a glimpse of this gift.

This morning, as I am looking for a place to sit down and write the last chapter in my second book (I can't wait to see what my third book will look like), I know I want it to be a memorable and inspiring environment.

I open Google Maps for assistance, and as I start driving, my soul guides me to the Vassar College library. As I approach the door of this stunning building, a yellow note on the door informs me that the library is closed on the weekend. I scan my surroundings to see what's next. The bench under an ancient tree could be perfect, but it is a steamy morning, so I keep walking toward another building with cars in the parking lot. I go into the quiet building, hear some voices, and follow that direction. I explain what I need, and kindly and excitedly, the security guard points me toward Vassar's art museum.

What a perfect place! I found a bench in one of the exhibit rooms and let my fingers dance on my keyboard to dive into my true self and write from the bottom of my heart. (Side note: I still can't understand this gift of writing, but I let it be what it needs to be.)

A few days ago…

My next state in my travels is Rhode Island. Rhode Island was part of my life for seven years while my boys attended college. I loved going to visit Adi in Providence. Brown Campus always allowed me to go back in time and be part of history. With how small Rhode Island State is, you get a taste of many vibes. Visiting Ron in Narragansett while he attended the University of Rhode Island put me along a beautiful shoreline, not far from Newport. Now, that is a fantastic vacation destination! I love visiting Newport. The combination of nature and the Gilded Age mansions is a perfect harmony.

I make a quick, sweet, and certainly overdue visit to hug my niece and her family. Unfortunately, my divorce caused some tears that I am happy to repair.

"Welcome to New York," Google Maps announces. Another circle is about to come to an end.

Whenever I mention that I am from New York, almost everyone connects it to New York City. Manhattan is such a tiny speck of New York State and not a representation of its essence and beauty.

I have several hours to get to my dear friend Amy's house. Amy is part of my "Power Girls" group, and I wish to spend quality time with her as we live many miles apart.

I want to delay driving in the "noise" of life. Driving through Boston only reminds me where I do not belong. It will be a while until I am back on the open road to experience another of "my landscape movie of the day," so I put in the extra miles and time and take the backroads to drive on country roads through small towns to feel the magic of upstate New York.

I can feel how emotional I am this time as I get closer to home—there are no more screens between me and my people. Hugging Amy and Bernie brings so much joy to my heart.

I know myself too well to know that I better do a deep cleaning of my "home" now before I get home. I will need to jump deep into wrapping up my past as I open a new door for a new future.

I feel silly scrubbing to perfection all the stains from the bugs I collected on my front bumper, as tomorrow new ones will take their place. But there is a cleansing symbolic meaning in that action.

In the past, when I came to visit Amy, we would "play" in her studio. On my last visit, Amy guided me in painting my first and only abstract painting. I do wish one day to get back and paint. I am not ready to give away my paint brushes. I do feel I should revisit this part of myself; especially now that I have shed so many obstacles and found my soul.

I am a big fan of Amy's work, not just because she is a dear friend. Her style always opens me with delight and appreciation for the connection I feel in her paintings. I admire her freedom with texture and colors.

Today, Amy focuses on a different medium: ceramics. Her unique whimsical style is a beautiful reflection of her mellow personality. Her designs are full of love and fun. I am thrilled to witness her growth as more galleries wish to carry her work. (

In two days, I will be reunited with my people. I have the utmost amazing love and support one can wish for. Each one of my loved ones is what makes my life journey so meaningful.

Thank you, God, for blessing me with so much love. Thank you, Adi, Ron, Eva Marie, Norman, Aimee, Mel, Shari, Amy, Wendy, Mike, Kim Lori, and Marianne, for being part of my family.

I am embracing myself for a challenging and emotional period. The mix of fear and excitement from an unknown future is a constant dance inside me. I have no clue about my direction. I have a few paths I would like to see myself on, but as I am learning, it is not always up to me.

Undoubtedly, I have been put on this journey for a reason. I am curious to see where life will take me, and I hope to witness the result of this gift.

So that is it! For now, anyway.

Until next time...

With love and peace,


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