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Gros Morne National Park, NL, Canada Part One

Good morning, rainy morning. First thing, I fill up the gas tank. The clouds are so low, and my visibility is minimal. My first stop is the visitor center in Deer Lake. Great, this visitor center is open! I want more information and maps for Gros Morne National Park.

I get superb help and assistance from the ladies in the center. As I am about to open the door to exit, the door opens, and I hear, "Here she is." It is Linda and Evert, my Super C RV friends from my first night on the island. They recognize my car parked outside. Even though it's a big island, it's funny how I bump into the same people. Just yesterday, on a hike, I ran into a couple from Quebec that I met on the ferry.

As I start driving through Gros Morne National Park, I am in a total state of amazement. I have never experienced such awe. I still have a lot to explore in Newfoundland, but if you ever come here, don't dare skip this park.

I have a few planned hikes in the park. I start with Green Gardens Trail. Half a mile into my hike, I hear people coming toward me and calling my name. I am puzzled. As they get closer, I recognize Helene and Jean Pierre, my neighbors from Blow Me Down Campground. We have a language barrier but still communicate with love and care. So funny! What a small world on a giant island.

The hike starts with a view of the flatland with the mountain in the distance. The rain begins to drizzle, and I go into ‘Please Please Stop’ mode. Amazingly, someone turns off the faucet above, and the rain stops. The sun is shy today, hiding behind the clouds and appearing here and there.

The trail continues into the woods for a while until it opens up to heaven. Wow, this view is incredible! I can already tell my photos can't capture the beauty here.

The evidence of wildlife is all over the ground. You actually need to be careful how you walk, so as not to step into a puddle of animal waste.

I reach the steps that take me down to the beach, but not yet. The trail continues further until I get to a sign that says "End of Trail" at Steve's Cove. Gently making my way to the ridge to my left, I find another stunning view that melts my heart.

I sit for a while, enjoying the sounds of the waves down below. In the corner of my eye, a movement gets my attention. Far in the distance, five sheep are having lunch on the green lush grass. I like sharing the peace with them.

The steps down to the beach are more like wood planks connected with chains, so I hold on to the rail. It is worth going down to the small rocky beach with rocks of different sizes and colors.

On my last mile back, the rain is back, but this time, a bit heavier. I am grateful for the break I was given.

The Discovery Center is an excellent place to stop on a rainy day, but it is about to close for the day. It is time to check into my site at Lomond Campground.

From my research, I know that the weather in June can be wet, so I booked three nights at this section of the park. It is difficult to find boondocking places around Gros Morne National Park, and overnight parking is not allowed within the park boundary.

My power station keeps being a challenge to charge, which adds more time to my day. I am not happy with this extra task, but I am able to find solutions so far.

I am able to cook dinner between the drops and settle into my van early in the evening.

Traveling in Newfoundland has been fairly easy, and the challenges I was concerned about have melted. I just need to think ahead and plan where to stop for gas, groceries, and laundry. Cell service has been a challenge. It can go from three bars to no service in a split second.

Good morning, foggy day, please don't hide my mountains.

If weather permits, I plan today to hike to the Tablelands Trail and Lookout Hills Trail.

When I arrived in this area yesterday, I was blown away by the striking barren Tablelands Mountains, rising among their neighbors' green mountains.

From Google: The Tablelands are a unique geological formation unlike anything else in the world. The red and orange rock formations that make up the Tablelands were once part of the Earth's mantle, deep beneath the planet's crust.

I am glad I had a chance yesterday to see The Tablelands since a low cloud is covering them today.

The color is unlike anything I have seen before. The rocks are a mix of rustic terra cotta and a goldish tone. A beautiful waterfall is in the distance, adding a striking contrast to this gray day. It is cool to know that I am walking on the earth's mantle.

Okay, I am really not feeling well. It's been a few days now that my stomach is giving me a hard time. I need to get back to the campground and rest.

My health is the most complex challenge to deal with on the road.

I rest for a bit and then manage to take a shower. At this point, I can recognize what is going on. I cannot believe I am having another Diverticulitis episode. NO! This is terrible timing! I am totally puzzled by this new problem in my health. (It started last year on my travels in CA.)

I lay in my bed, forming a plan. First, I decided to keep it to myself. I don't see the point of alarming my dearest for something they can't help with from far away.

I have a small blender with me, knowing that if I ever encounter a Diverticulitis episode, I should have a liquid diet for the first few days. I also convince myself that even if it's a nice day tomorrow, I will take a rest day.

This morning, I am actually hoping the sun will stay behind the clouds and not heat my car while I am lying in my bed. I keep my side door open to get all the fresh air I can and learn to accept the tiny, harmless bugs that fly in the air.

I am in a remote area, and I need to work with the food that I have with me. I don't even have enough cell service to check if there are any grocery stores around. The closest village is thirty minutes away. I have learned that the small villages here are very limited with even the basic necessities.

I blend Greek yogurt with water and some of my cooked oatmeal, just to have some nutrients in me. In the evening, I make soup with the shredded chicken I have and rice that I cook. I blend that into a soft liquid, actually not bad at all.

I know the key in an emergency is to stay calm. Nature always gives me peace and calmness. I am in good hands!

At one point, I am able to make a call to my friend Aimee, who is advising me on a project back home. After almost twenty-five years of friendship, I don't even need to say anything much for Aimee to detect something is off.

I promise her I will check and see if there is any place I can stop for assistance on my way to my next campground in Gros Morne National Park.

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