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Lark Harbour, NL, Canada

It's time to plug my phone into my car so Google Maps will guide my way. 

Suddenly, an alert message appears on my phone screen, telling me there is water detection on my phone, and my phone can't be used.

My phone is my lifeline...

I've never seen anything like it. I have little reception to google it out.

I go into solution mode. I take my fan and start blowing it in front of my phone. In the meantime, my brain is thinking about my next steps. I am heading toward the biggest town on the west side, Corner Brook. Surely, I will find a phone company to help me out. All of that chaos happens while I am calm and relaxed. I know it is the result of my surroundings. The landscape and the gorgeous sunny day are like a Xanax to my soul.

Thankfully, after half an hour of blowing air around my phone, my problem seems solved.

My brain is like any other muscle I have. The more I exercise it in a positive way, the better my chances are of solving my problems calmly. In the past seven years, I have made many changes in my thought process to live a wholehearted life. It isn't an easy task, but I am determined to give that gift to myself.

I am back on Highway One. I turn off my music as I want to fully immerse myself in this majestic beauty.

My landscape movie today features endless mountains covered with different shades of green, many bodies of water floating between them, and small villages here and there.

It's my third day in Newfoundland, and the landscape puzzles me even in this short time. At first, I was not sure why. How come I am trying to understand this majestic beauty? Isn't it obvious?

It is in the silence of my drive that I solve my puzzle. This vast landscape has so many little representations of other stunning places I have had the privilege of experiencing. It all has breathtaking views, and I am only at the beginning of my exploration...

When I started researching Newfoundland many months ago, I read recommendations to explore the little villages outside the main highway. So that is what I am doing today, driving to the end of the road of Lark Harbour.

I put a few points of interest to check out, and I have two options for boondocking. My first stop is Blow Me Down Provincial Park, just to check availability and the amenities.

I go for a short hike on the Sunset Rock via Bottle Cove trail. It is absolutely stunning!

I literally drive until the end of the road to the harbor, where all the fishing boats are done for today and rest until tomorrow.

I check out the boondocking spots, but having a nearby bathroom is worth the expense of staying at the campground of Blow Me Down Provincial Park.

The next thing that happens to me seems silly to share, but the more I think about it, I realize it represents so much of life.

When I start setting up and organize all my things to take a shower, I realize I had lost one of my flip-flops.

An absolute devastation hits my heart. Yes, I am talking about a flip-flop, my favorite ever. For petite-size women like me, finding the perfect clothes and shoes can be quite a challenge. I have had this flip-flop for over eight years now. It feels like they made it especially for me.

An absolute grief takes over my body, sadness, and the loss of a dear friend. Yes, I am still talking about a flip-flop.

Of course, I will go tomorrow and buy a new pair. But it will never be the same. It is so hard to say goodbye; I am not ready to let it go yet.

Another exercise in accepting things as they are.

It rains most of the night, but to my relief, it stops early in the morning. The heavy clouds are still around. I start my day by taking the only hike in the park going up the Governor Steps. It is a good challenge for an early morning.

The view from the top is limited due to the low clouds. I love the view of the Harbor Lark Village resting between the mountain and the bay.

On my way back to Corner Brook, I stop for a short walk to Copper Mine Falls. I feel that waterfalls stand better in a blue background than gray, but it's still a nice big waterfall. I always enjoy the sound of the waters as they cascade down on their journey.

It is only my fourth day in Newfoundland, and I already see that I cannot capture the essence of Newfoundland. It is impossible to put this beauty in one frame.

Even though Corner Brook is the largest town on the west side of Newfoundland, it's still on a smaller scale. I recognize I better take the opportunity to do laundry (there is only one in town) and stock up on food.

By the time I am finished with all my errands, I have time to sit in the Corner Brook public library to catch up on my writing, as part of my journey is keeping a journal of my day-to-day life on the open road.

Tonight, I plan to park in the visitor center parking lot. It is still closed for the season. I need to stop at a visitor center to get more information, but the ones I have stopped at so far are still closed.

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