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Thank you, everyone, from the bottom of my heart!

January 7, 2024, 7:30 am.

The clouds above me are heavy; I don't want to miss my morning walk, even though the weather app warns me about the coming rain.

I need to walk today, no matter what. I need to comfort my shaky nerves.

I received a copy of my book, and I love it! Tomorrow is the day I will announce it to the world. I wasn't planning it to be on my birthday. It just happened this way.

I learned that nurturing and understanding my emotions is the only way to calm them. I let nature be my guide as I fall into deep thinking.

Sharing my journey in the privacy of Facebook is one thing, but letting my story ride the ocean's waves is a totally different ball game.

January 8, 2024, 5:00 pm.

I couldn't ask for a more memorable birthday than this one. The fear that I had yesterday is no longer holding me tight. Feeling the love and genuine excitement for my book is an epic feeling!

January 9, 2024, 8:00 am.

The wind on the Gulf of Mexico this morning is wild! As I walk on the beach going in the direction of north, the wind is my friend helping me to fly forward. The waves are high and vigorous, like the beautiful emotions in my soul.

I am still on cloud nine from yesterday. What an amazing way to celebrate a birthday. Last night, a friend drew my attention to the little orange notification on the Amazon listing page of my book: '#1 New Release in Travel Writing.'

It truly feels like a team effort rather than individual success. I hope you all will enjoy reading my book as much as I enjoy writing it.

Thank you, everyone, from the bottom of my heart, for all your birthday wishes and for sharing my excitement with my book.

Since my divorce, my life has felt like a Rubik's Cube, as I slowly shifted and turned the pieces of my life's puzzle. I gradually found how to match the colors and shapes together. It feels incredible to come to a point where I see and feel I have solved my Rubik's Cube, standing proud and colorful.

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